Tasks App: Table view for all tasks and projects
in progress
Tobias Hieb
The table view for tasks is now ready and will start as beta in a few days. We have also made it possible for you to save individual views for your tasks. Stay tuned!
Dominik Schellmann
We are very excited and look forward to the update!
Tobias Hieb
in progress
We have already developed the concept and the design. We are currently working on the implementation. So it will come. ;)
Andreas Kosmowicz
Tobias Hieb: can’t wait to see it!
Achim Draeger
Tobias Hieb: any news on this task?
Tobias Hieb
Merged in a post:
Context Menu for Task-Cards
Andreas Kosmowicz
It would be great to implement a custom context menu in the task board, or at least a menu for quick-actions on tasks:
Actions that I suggest in first place:
- Move Task to top / bottom of list (! - sometimes it's quite hard to move a task to top)
- Set Project for task
- Subscribe to task
- Quick comment on task
- Set service_type/"Leistung" for Task
Tobias Hieb
Merged in a post:
Cubes View for Tasks
Andreas Kosmowicz
My Task list gets longer and longer. I would appreciate it to have the possibility to see the cards ordered Row by Row in the Cubes view (as the projects).
Then I can make myself a bigger picture of my tasks, see more meta Information etc.
It would be great to have this by user or to include other users as well (i.E. via filter)...
Tobias Hieb
Merged in a post:
General Overview of all Tasks
Mona Alexandra Hirsch
What I really miss is some kind of overall task view. A "global tasks view" where I am able to see every task, sorted by project, date, team member, status…
We're a small team and tasks often switch between users… some may not have a team member to begin with and as the project develops a member is added. So it would be great to just be able to see all tasks that we as an agency have and move them around as needed.
Tobias Hieb
Merged in a post:
Assign multiple tasks to user
If I'm correct, it isn't possible at the moment to select multiple tasks and assign them to one user. Or select a list of task and assign them to a user. It would be very timesaving for us to have this option.
Whats the status?
How is the current status?
Tobias Hieb
Hey Guys,I'ld love to share an first draft with you.This is how our new lists view will look like. We will implement a grouping, column sorting, some filters, bulk actions and individual smart lists. I hope you like what you see. :)Tobias
Jan-Peter Braun
Großartig, dass ihr daran nun arbeitet!
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